Paul Wesley (Pawel Tomasz Wesley) is renowned as an actor and producer. His role on the hit television series The Vampire Diaries has made his name extremely famous. In the TV series he has earned several awards and nominations including The Teen Choice Awards as well as the Young Hollywood Awards. Wesley was born in New Brunswick New Jersey, United States. During his college years, he demonstrated an interest for acting. He then enrolled in Rutgers University. Once he realised that his talents as an actor could lead to a successful career, he decided to drop out. First, he appeared in The American TV show Another World. He played the lead in Wolf Lake, a CBS TV series two years later. In the hit American TV series The Vampire Diaries he played in the leading role Stefan Salvatore. He has directed a few episodes of the series and also. Since his first appearance on The Last Run in 1999 the actor has been featured in several other popular movies. He recently appeared in the movies Mo...